All requests for transportation must be made by completing the registration form on this website. Please read the guidelines below for qualifications and expectations, then you may click the link to the application form at the right on this page.
We do not accept telephone requests!
To inquire about availability of a vehicle, please complete the online application and you will receive a prompt response.
We can accept requests up to 9 months prior to stateside arrival.
Driver Requirements:
Each applicant will be required to present a U. S. driver’s license or an international driver’s license, when checking out a vehicle. IF THERE WILL BE MORE THAN ONE OPERATOR OF THE VEHICLE, YOU MUST PRESENT COPIES OF THE LICENSES FOR EACH DRIVER AT CHECK OUT.
Time Limitations:
Due to demand for vehicles we must limit the use of any vehicle to a maximum of 12 months. Missionaries who will not be returning to a foreign field may request a car for use up to three months.
Mission Service Stipulation:
MCF loans vehicles to any evangelical missionary serving through any recognized sending agency.
Area of Travel Limitations:
MCF of Texas restricts the use of all vehicles picked up in Houston to the following states: Texas, New Mexico, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana and Oklahoma.
Missionaries residing in other states than those listed above may contact one of the other Macedonian Call sister organizations (Find Your State).
IF a borrower wishes to travel beyond the six state area please call the MCF office for further information.
Notification of Acceptance:
Once MCF receives your request, our schedule coordinator will determine your eligibility and car availability.
You will be notified either by email or postal mail whether or not your request has been approved. You will also be sent the MCF lending policy.
After you receive the Notification of Acceptance, a non-refundable $175 registration fee is required to place your name on the calendar to secure the reservation. If the deposit is not received within 30 days after notification of acceptance, the reservation will be cancelled. A monthly user fee of $325 is charged for all MCF vehicles (this includes liability insurance).
Maintenance and Repair:
The borrower is required to have any necessary repairs and/or maintenance performed on their vehicle while it is in their possession, up to an amount of $600 per incident, so that when it is returned it will be ready to be loaned to the next missionary family who is scheduled for its use.
We do not provide roadside assistance when one of the vehicles breaks down. That is why we request that frequent and regular maintenance be done. We do repairs before you pick up the vehicle. You do the repairs while it is in your possession. MCF requires that each missionary bring the car back in the same condition it was when it was checked out, with a full tank of gas and a current oil change.
Please DO NOT return the MCF vehicle with a list of repairs that need to be made to the vehicle. It is your responsibility to make repairs as needed while you have the vehicle so it is ready for the next missionary to use.
Vehicle Check Out and Return:
Missionaries are required to come to Houston to check out and return the cars. Relatives or friends are not allowed to check out or return the vehicles. Transportation to and from one of the local Houston airports can be arranged through MCF for a small fee or by hiring a taxi or rideshare. All MCF vehicles must be checked out from and returned to Macedonian Call Foundation, 10101 Southwest Frwy, Houston TX (Just north of intersection of Southwest Freeway (US 59) and the Sam Houston Tollway (Beltway 8).
Check out and return of vehicles is by appointment only.
Monday – Friday: Appointments available at 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.
Vehicles are not available for check out or return on weekends or holidays. Sorry, no exceptions made.
MCF charges the following for transportation to/from Houston airports and bus stations:
$40 to/from Bush IAH, Hobby Airport, bus stations or local hotels
The other alternative is a TAXI from the airports, which may run from $75 to $100.
Due to traffic considerations in Houston, we recommend you book your flight to arrive or depart at one of the airports before 2 p.m.